13 de noviembre de 2008

Discografia radiohead

Subiendo discografia de radiohead, ahhaha por si alguien la quiere bajar.
Son los 7 discos, y mas adelante voi a subir algunos rares, ep's, dvd's y a lives :3


1993 - Pablo Honey
1. You
2. Creep
3. How Do You?
4. Stop Whispering
5. Thinking About You
6. Anyone Can Play Guitar
7. Ripcord
8. Vegetable
9. Prove Yourself
10. I Can't
11. Lurgee
12. Blow Out
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/135927563/Pablo_Honey.rar
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=W8YR99R2

1995 - The Bends

1. Planet Telex
2. The Bends
3. High and Dry
4. Fake Plastic Trees
5. Bones
6. Nice Dream
7. Just
8. My Iron Lung
9. Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
10. Black Star
11. Sulk
12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/163711177/The_Bends.rar.html
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6WI62X58

OK Computer, 1997
1. Airbag
2. Paranoid Android
3. Subterranean Homesick Alien
4. Exit Music (For a Film)
5. Let Down
6. Karma Police
7. Fitter Happier
8. Electioneering
9. Climbing Up the Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. The Tourist
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/135877603/OK_C...lanchas.com.rar

Kid A, 2000
1. Everything in Its Right Place
2. Kid A
3. The National Anthem
4. How to Disappear Completely
5. Treefingers
6. Optimistic
7. In Limbo
8. Idioteque
9. Morning Bell
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/59569874/Radio...2000__Kid_A.rar

Amnesiac, 2001
1. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
2. Pyramid Song
3. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
4. You and Whose Army?
5. I Might Be Wrong
6. Knives Out
7. Morning Bell/Amnesiac
8. Dollars & Cents
9. Hunting Bears
10. Like Spinning Plates
11. Life in a Glasshouse
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/135925111/Amnesiac.rar

Hail to the Thief, 2003
1. 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm.)
2. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders.)
3. Sail to the Moon. (Brush the Cobwebs Out of the Sky.)
4. Backdrifts. (Honeymoon Is Over.)
5. Go to Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)
6. Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.)
7. We Suck Young Blood. (Your Time Is Up.)
8. The Gloaming. (Softly Open Our Mouths in the Cold.)
9. There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.)
10. I Will. (No Man's Land.)
11. A Punchup at a Wedding. (No No No No No No No No.)
12. Myxomatosis. (Judge, Jury & Executioner.)
13. Scatterbrain. (As Dead as Leaves.)
14. A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/20690486/Hail_To_The_Thief.rar

In Rainbows, 2007
1. 15 Step
2. Bodysnatchers
3. Nude
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
5. All I Need
6. Faust Arp
7. Reckoner
8. House of Cards
9. Jigsaw Falling into Place
10. Videotape

CD bonus:
1. MK 1
2. Down Is the New Up
3. Go Slowly
4. MK 2
5. Last Flowers
6. Up on the Ladder
7. Bangers and Mash
8. 4 Minute Warning
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/135922439/In_Rainbows.rar


Drill, 1992
1. Prove Yourself
2. Stupid Car
3. You
4. Thinking About You

Itch, 1994
1. Stop Whispering (US Version)
2. Thinking About You
3. Faithless, the Wonder Boy
4. Banana Co.
5. Killer Cars (Live)
6. Vegetable (Live)
7. You (Live)
8. Creep (Acoustic)

My Iron Lung, 1994
1. My Iron Lung
2. The Trickster
3. Lewis (Mistreated)
4. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
5. Permanent Daylight
6. Lozenge of Love
7. You Never Wash Up After Yourself
8. Creep (acústico)

No Surprises/Running From Demons, 1997
1. No Surprises
2. Pearly* (remix)
3. Melatonin
4. Meeting in the Aisle
5. Bishop's Robes
6. A Reminder

Airbag/How am I driving?, 1998
1. Airbag
2. Pearly*
3. Meeting in the Aisle
4. A Reminder
5. Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)
6. Melatonin
7. Palo Alto

I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings, 2001
1. The National Anthem
2. I Might Be Wrong
3. Morning Bell
4. Like Spinning Plates
5. Idioteque
6. Everything in Its Right Place
7. Dollars and Cents
8. True Love Waits

COM LAG, 2004
1. 2+2=5 (Live)
2. Remyxomatosis (Cristian Vogel Remix)
3. I Will (Los Angeles Version)
4. Paperbag Writer
5. I Am a Wicked Child
6. I Am Citizen Insane
7. Skttrbrain (Four Tet Remix)
8. Gagging Order
9. Fog (Again) (Live)
10. Where Bluebirds Fly

Towering Above the Rest (24 Discos) (2007)

Disco 01 (Singles B-Sides)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91526746/CD01_...ides_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91513688/CD01_...ides_.part2.rar

Disco 02 (Singles B-Sides)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91527023/CD02_...ides_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91513413/CD02_...ides_.part2.rar

Disco 03 (B-Sides Live)

Disco 04 (B-Sides Live)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91527028/CD04_...Live_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91514127/CD04_...Live_.part2.rar

Disco 05 (B-Sides Live)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91526900/CD05_...Live_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91514067/CD05_...Live_.part2.rar

Disco 06 (Live & Radio Collection)

Disco 07 (Early)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91573163/CD07_...Demo_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91557863/CD07_...Demo_.part2.rar

Disco 08 (Early)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91572883/CD08__Early_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91558521/CD08__Early_.part2.rar

Disco 09 (Pre-HTTT Live)

Disco 10 (Covers and Collaborations)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91543447/CD10_...ions_.part1.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91530449/CD10_...ions_.part2.rar

Disco 11 (Covers & Edits)

Disco 12 (Webcast & B-Sides)

Disco 13 (Early)

Disco 14 (Remixes)

Disco 15 (Remixes)

Disco 16 (Remixes)

Disco 17 (Remixes)

Disco 18 (Pre Kid A)

Disco 19 (Remixes)
Parte1 http://rapidshare.com/files/91537781/CD19__Remixes_.rar
Parte2 http://rapidshare.com/files/91554135/CD19__Remixes_.rar

Disco 20 (Remixes)

Disco 21 (Radio Sessions)

Disco 22 (Extra Material)

Disco 23 (Extra Material)

Disco 24 (Extra Material)

From the basement (video) - 2007
01. Bodysnatchers
02. Nude
03. Myxomatosis
04. Weird Fishes/Apreggi
05. House of Cards
06. 15 Step
07. Optimistic
08. Reckoner
09. Where I End and You Begin

PD: hay unos links que no los subi yo, si estan malos, me avisan y los subo :zippy:

1 comentario:

  1. Pancha anónima :3 dasadsa xd
    eres adicto .___. me sigues traumando :3
    en fin :3 cuidate downcito :*!
